What We Believe

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Welcome To Our Church

We believe in God as Father. The very first person in the Trinity. God is eternal, infinite, personal and perfect. To try and describe the Trinity transcends all logic, human reason and proof, yet remains a matter of revelation, confession and worship. He is the God that calls you even now.

We believe in Jesus His Son. He is the second person of the Trinity. He is the Living Word, and the revealer of God. He was with God in the beginning and is uncreated and dwelt on this earth as God in the flesh. He was born of a virgin and lived a perfect human life. His obedient life led to His sacrificial death on the cross, a penalty that He paid for the sins of humanity who could not pay it on their own. Upon the cross He was truly dead, then truly buried and truly resurrected, securing salvation to all who believe. All according to the prophecy of scripture. 

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Active in creation, the history of Israel, the inspiration of scripture, the ministry of Jesus and the birth of the church. Today He opens minds to understand and bestows gifts to serve. He indwells us as deposit of the promise of everlasting life that is to come

We believe the Bible to be true. It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man. Inerrant, infallible and the guide for all believers' lives. If the Bible says "yes," we say "yes," and if the Bible says "no," we say "no." 

We believe in the church. Scripture teaches us that Jesus saw the church as important enough to die for. Therefore, we take church seriously. It is an important part of the Christian life. It is not to be a "spectator sport" as all believers should be involved in and serving and supporting the local church with their time, talent and resources. 

The Bible, the Whole Bible, and Nothing but The Bible!

Welcome to Our Church!

You're Invited!

We're excited to invite you to join us at church this Sunday. It's a laid-back welcoming space where you can meet new people and find biblical inspiration. We're really looking forward to meeting you and sharing this experience together. Hope to see you there!

Worship In-Person

Sunday School at 9:15
Worship at 10:30
He-brews Coffee bar opened from 9:15 to 10:15

Worship Online

10:30 streaming live on Facebook and uploaded to Youtube
"Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him!"

Upcoming Events

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